Anne is now 2 years and 4 months old. At this time, these are her milestones:
- she can now count 1 to 20 in English and 1 to 10 in Mandarin
- she can now sing the alphabet song and can identify some letters as well
- she can identify some colors - blue, red, yellow, green
- she can identify some shapes - circle, triangle
- she can identify left and right hands, feet
- she can remove her socks by herself
- she can undress by herself
- she keeps her toy sometimes (without being told to do so)
- she can now clearly say some words and phrases in English and Mandarin, and her favorite phrase nowadays is "don't like!" or "bu yao!". Most times I regretted teaching her this, lol.
- ki me - excuse me
- tababat - take a bath
- tebabak - put it back
- lab ooh - love you
- wah fu face - wash your face
- praisen - praise him
- seep - sleep
- apow - apple
- badidis - vitamins
- epers - slippers
- mek - milk
- cololate - chocolate
- i cream - ice cream
- jabibee - jollibee