Thank you for visiting my blogsite. This is my prayer for you ..... "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Anne's Dictionary

Anne is now 2 years and 4 months old. At this time, these are her milestones:

  • she can now count 1 to 20 in English and 1 to 10 in Mandarin
  • she can now sing the alphabet song and can identify some letters as well
  • she can identify some colors - blue, red, yellow, green
  • she can identify some shapes - circle, triangle
  • she can identify left and right hands, feet
  • she can remove her socks by herself
  • she can undress by herself
  • she keeps her toy sometimes (without being told to do so)
  • she can now clearly say some words and phrases in English and Mandarin, and her favorite phrase nowadays is "don't like!" or "bu yao!". Most times I regretted teaching her this, lol.
However, there are some words/phrases which she has difficulty pronouncing. Here are some of them and what she really means by them:
  • ki me - excuse me
  • tababat - take a bath
  • tebabak - put it back
  • lab ooh - love you
  • wah fu face - wash your face
  • praisen - praise him
  • seep - sleep
  • apow - apple
  • badidis - vitamins
  • epers - slippers
  • mek - milk
  • cololate - chocolate
  • i cream - ice cream
  • jabibee - jollibee

Friday, August 22, 2008

sweet, sweet Eve...

This is going to be one lengthy post. Every now and then, my 8-year old Eve and I engage in fights and arguments. But this post is not about those times. I will write about such, some other time. Now, I want to detail some of my fond memories of Eve, which I had been wanting to write down in a journal so I will never forget. Now that I can do so through blogging, I resolve, that from this day forward, I will write about Eve and Anne, so that someday, when they will ask me to tell stories about them, I will just say to them, "Just read it all in my blog." (lol, just kidding). Seriously though, kids will not be kids forever. And as they say, we only got one shot at parenting for each child. It's not like a project that if you messed it up, you can start all over again. So parents really need all the heavenly help they can get. Anyway, as I said, here are some stories about Eve....

How She Learned to Pray
I taught Eve how to pray as soon as she was able to talk and understand. The easiest prayer for us then is one which involved praying for members of the family whom she was already familiar with. So I taught her to copy me or follow me, word for word. For many nights, our prayer went like this, "Jesus, please bless papa, bless mama, bless tita, bless lolo, bless lola, bless mommy, bless daddy, and bless me." And now, this is how Anne prays.

Her First Prayer by Herself
It was dinner time. I, Alvin and Eve were gathered at the table. We asked Eve to pray. She obliged and went on to pray with no help from me, "Jesus, please bless papa, bless mama...(and so on)". It was just natural for her to pray like that. But we were happy about it, so we taught her a simple thanksgiving prayer.

Her Thanksgiving Prayer
Ever since we taught her how to pray at mealtimes, she will always pray like this: "Jesus, please bless our food. Thank you for the rice, thank you for the fish, thank you for the water...(and so on)" Good thing though, for a family of 3, we only have 1 or 2 viands on the table so her prayer doesn't take long. But whenever we go home to the province and she is asked to pray during mealtimes, she will go on thanking Jesus for every item she sees on the table, which is quite a lot. As simple as it is, it is also quite profound because it makes us realize that most often than not, we fail to appreciate God for most of the little things that He provides and do for us.

Her First Prayer in PreSchool
She was 4 years old when we let her attend a preschool. It is a Christian school. Every Monday is the general assembly for all preschoolers in all 3 levels, around 70 students, more or less. They would gather at the school grounds for the singing of the national anthem, prayer, announcements and so on. A teacher will usually ask for a volunteer to lead the students in prayer. One time, Eve raised her hand. I was glad and at the same nervous for her. I didn't know how and what she will pray about. Although she was using a microphone, her voice was soft, and I heard her start her prayer by saying "Jesus, please bless our food..." And then the teacher behind her, helped her out and whispered to her what to say next. I told this story to a parent-friend in the school, who arrived late that day and missed the whole thing. And she told me, that it's ok. And yeah, I realized that it was indeed alright. What matters most is that Eve was not scared to pray at all. Eventually, as Eve grew up, her prayers also grew with her.

Her First Memory Verse(s)
She was 3 years old then, and she was able to memorize the whole Psalm 23. Alvin was working then in Malaysia. Everynight, I let Eve memorize 1 verse. And everytime, Alvin calls, Eve recited the verses she already memorized. We did this until she was able to recite the whole chapter from memory. Over time, she had forgotten some verses, but I still let her recite it from time to time.

Her Most-Loved Bible Story
It's the story of Jesus when He healed a lame or paralytic man. This is in Mark 2 and Luke 5. For many nights, this is what she wanted me to read to her before going to sleep. I'm not really sure why Eve liked this particular story. Maybe because of the illustration of the man being brought down to Jesus by way of an opening on the roof. Maybe it was intriguing to her. That was when she was 3 years old. Now, whenever I mention it to her, she doesn't remember it anymore. Time flies really fast, and so does our memory.

One Time She was Sick
This is my all time favorite, so far. She was 5 years old then. They had just finished last quarter exams in school, and then she got sick. Her fever went on and off for several days, visited the doctor several times, although the doctor said, there's nothing serious about it. As a mother, it breaks me to see her sick, frail and helpless. She wasn't attending school then, although they were only practicing for recognition day. And we thought, that she won't get well in time for that day. Anyway, one afternoon, I was so sad and frustrated of her condition. She was lying down on my lap, I told her that we should pray again. So I closed my yes, I was praying aloud, crying to Jesus to make her well now and telling Him that we are not going back to the hospital again, and so on. When I finished praying and opened my eyes, she was looking at me and said "What did He say?" I was taken aback. I was not expecting her to ask me such question. But I smiled at her and said, "He said yes. Jesus will make you well."

One Time Her Sister is Sick
She was 7 years old. It was sometime November. She was having piano lessons every weekend, and we had plans to attend a birthday party one Saturday and attend the church's anniversary that Sunday. Anne, who was then 1 year and 6 months old, was sick. I was attending to Anne then I didn't know what I was thinking but I said something like, "Anne, give your fever to achi (elder sister)." Then Eve reacted right away by blurting out to me, "How can I go to my piano lessons, to the party, to the PICC?" (this is where the church will hold the anniversary celebration). Again, I was surprised, so I immediately took it back and said, "Ok, give it to Mama then." And then Eve reacted so strongly by saying, "Why to you? Give it to Jesus!". So I then simply said, "Please Jesus, take away Anne's sickness, amen." It was a very simple and innocent statement coming from her, but it greatly moved me because for us adults, it is already a declaration of faith in our Lord Jesus.

Monday, August 18, 2008

the Bible, the Bible, more precious than gold!

Yesterday afternoon, we attended a children's party. The day before, we went out to buy a present for the celebrator who's turning 1 year old. We already know what to buy. It's just a matter of looking for the perfect one. Eve said to me, "Mama, how come whenever we attend a party we always give a bible for a birthday present?" So I go on explaining to her that every kid should have her own bible. It is the most important possession a person could have. Just like her, I told her, she received a bible as a present for her 1st birthday and how it have been so useful to her and to her sister, for some time. It doesn't matter that it's now a bit tattered. It's just a shame though that I cannot remember who gave it to her. The giver failed to write a dedication on it. I really appreciate him/her whoever that kind soul is. Now Eve and Anne have new bibles. I had my sister buy in Singapore which catered to their respective age group. Eve already has a regular bible which she uses every Sunday for KidZone Church where they are trained how to use and find verses in the bible. But for a kid her age, it's still quite a bore for her to sit down and just read from it, with no illustrations to engage her imagination and with hard-to-understand words, phrases and sentences. However, with her new bible, there are times when I had to stop her from reading so her eyes could rest. As for Anne, she likes the colorful illustrations in her bible. I like them too. For now, she's not interested in the stories yet. But that's ok. Eve became attentive to the stories when she was 3. Anne will have her time. What's important now is that, she is familiar with it, she asks for it every night at bedtime, and now she can say the word "Bible" very clearly. Bit by bit, she's getting to know Jesus.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Apple or Pear?

Lately, I have been exercising and painfully doing crunches in my attempt to shed off some excess fat in my tummy. Well, it looks disgusting already, at least for me. I'm a size XS or S, so my tummy and sides really show themselves so proudly under my shirts. Although, compared to other women, my problem isn't really that big yet. But I know, sooner or later, if I don't take control of it now, it will pose more risks to my health, now that I have discovered that I have an apple-shaped body. I've learned that though my BMI (body mass index) is within the Normal range, (calculate your bmi) the bmi isn't really a barometer of how healthy one person is or how much body fat does one have. In fact, this book (Big Fat Lies by Glenn Gaesser) I am currently reading on the web says that it's not the total body fat which you carry that is important rather, it's what area in your body are those body fats stored which will give you meaningful information about your health. Here are some things I've learned from my internet research:

Apple-shaped people means that they have more fat stored in their stomach, abdomen and chest whereas, Pear-shaped people have fat stored in their hips, thighs and bottoms. Studies show that being a pear is better than being an apple, that is, fewer health complications for the pears. It's in the kind of fat that is stored, whether it is good (subcutaneous fat) or bad (visceral fat or deep down fat). The pears have the good fat whereas the apples have the bad fat. Although the apples also have subcutaneous fat which is just beneath the skin, what pose health complications are those deep down fats that affect one's internal organs when they become coated with them, like the kidneys, liver, etc. Also, it is near the heart. That is why studies show that many apples are hypertensive, diabetic and afflicted with heart diseases. Good thing though, it is said that visceral fat is the easiest fat to burn, so consistent exercise is needed so your body won't lose the ability to burn fats.

So are you an apple or a pear? If you want to know, then take the waist-to-hip ratio test. Take your largest waist measurement divide it by your largest hip measurement. No cheating! Don't suck in that belly. If the ratio is 0.8 or below, then you are a pear. Otherwise, you are an apple. Well, I am an apple, so I really need a change of lifestyle.

The Big Fat Lies book is a good read. There are lots of information you can get there, so I do recommend it for the health conscious people like myself.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Anne's 1st Activity Paper

This was Anne's activity paper last Sunday in KidZone Church. I am posting this particular paper because it was the first one she colored all alone, by herself. With her previous works, I had to, of course, help her out, guide her little fingers, tell her what colors to use which in the end, it becomes more of my work than hers. But now, she chose the colors she liked to use. She didn't care for my suggestion of colors anymore. :=( But that's ok.

Eve had a lot of these activity papers before, which I had kept for a time and now have been recycled somewhere. I want to say sorry to my baby. I know, someday she'll be reading this blog. I want her to know that in the same way her mei-mei goes through this stage, that she had gone through this as well, and I had been with her, proud mama all the way.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Updates on RPP

RPP, my family's future yet temporary home, is finally in DMCI's website. Since we weren't able to visit the site for sometime, it was important for us to know more on the construction updates. Good thing, the website includes such. Our unit is in the Kata Building, and it's scheduled turn-over is on May 2009. So it says now that it is at least 10% completed. By the way, don't be mistaken, the buildings you can see behind the constructions is Rosewood Pointe, another completed project of DMCI.
If you want to know more about this project, just visit this link which directs you to the construction updates . And you can also see and know more about the project with regards to Product Concept, Distinct Features, Location and Vicinity Map, Site Development Plan, Building Features, Unit Features, Amenities and Facilities and lots of photos.